14102457_10210530047431439_2555709058498214472_n.jpgIt’s been six months since my last blog post and a little longer since my last Klinefelters post.

I want to say sorry for the lack of blog commitment but honestly folks, we have been making memories and I’m really not that sorry! We have had the best year ever and I really wanted to enjoy life and vowed to keep less distractions after coming off of the road (I was on an international tour the entire year of 2015 and really wanted to make up for lost time).

With that said, this evening I was going through my blog emails and realized that people are still emailing me! It’s crazy! My heart gets so full every time I read your emails and tonight I am reminded why I started this blog in the first place. To help myself cope with something that I am now able to somewhat help other moms cope with as well. And I realized that as much as I want to eliminate distractions, the klinefelters community kind of needs me – even though many do not agree with my honest approach, there are still moms out there who are searching for the realness that I give, and I cannot let those moms down.

So here we are.. blog restart part 3 lol

I have SO many great articles planned the next couple of months. Many to do with Klinefelters and others to related to raising toddlers.

I will have my first post back posted next week for you all to read!

If there are any topics you want me to touch on in the future please comment below!!!