
Hello All!

I cannot believe we are hitting the 18 month mark ((actually 19 months this month))! It feels like just yesterday I was finding out about my pregnancy.

We had a fantastic check up Monday! Dr. Says he looks perfect clocking in at 22.6 lbs and 32.5″ 😀 Yes, Cheeks is getting long!

As far as his development goes, I honestly could not be any happier!

I cannot stop this kid from babbling! Pretty soon he is going to be saying sentences and its going to freak me out!

He is so smart.. i know parents say this all the time, but he really is! He knows which are my shoes and which are B’s and always sorts them and sets our shoes by us. It’s a trip!

Mr. Cheeks is obsessed with WWE wresting! It’s adorable and hilarious at the same time! He wrestles with anything he can! Toilet paper, pillows, the couch… US! Its adorable!

He is just enjoying life at the moment.. being a little boy!


We have not yet taking Cheeks to the specialist out of state. We are still trying to figure out what our new insurance is going to cover and honestly, it’s not a pressing issue for us right now. As a traveling mom its hard to find the right time to take him and honestly, there is nothing serious going on right now to make it a complete #1 priority. Not to say it isn’t important to us, because it is obviously, but we are enjoying the path we are given at the moment. We will keep you all updated as time goes.

Thats about it guys and gals! Thanks for reading!